Muina Menelë
The Yestare Suite: Movement III
Words by Rodger Ashton-Smith.
Music by
Michaele de Cygne.
Copyright by Rodger Francis Ashton-Smith and de Cygne. All rights reserved.

Background: Tao Te Ching, Chapter 10

Mi hepa ou fëa ar valdëa inwisti,
Nar pollyë hep aquata lindessë?

Mi hosta valdëa tuotya net cúnaima,
Arahtiëtyë i indo vinyanómë lapse?

Mi sovallë ar poica mir olortya
Osoviëtyes illi ormavaldalóra?

Mi mela quenitya ar tura nóretya
Ma pollyë etsata handassello?

Mí pantië ar holta menelo undova,
Ma pollyë tyal i ni ranta?

Aninistimanë ar cena haira mir illi tier
Ma pollyë sé i imya lú lemya lanyanë ar úleva

Apsela quenitya!
Antamatil quenitya
Apaelaltë ú  etyalaltë immarwatyallo!
Car mótatya úpanya cilië foa sanen!
Ná tulya, lá apsamotindo!
Sina ná yalnë muina Menelë.
In keeping the spirit and the vital soul together,
Are you able to maintain their perfect harmony?

In gathering your vital energy to attain suppleness,
Have you reached the state of a new-born babe?

In washing and clearing your inner vision,
Have you purified it of all dross?

In loving your people and governing your state,
Are you able to dispense with cleverness?

In the opening and shutting of heaven's gate,
Are you able to play the feminine part?

Enlightened and seeing far into all directions,
Can you at the same time remain detached and non-active?

Rear your people!
Feed your people!
Rear them without claiming them for your own!
Do your work without setting any store by it!
Be a leader, not a butcher!
This is called hidden Virtue.

Contents and copy by Art of Pop. All rights reserved.